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A modern and dynamic professional environment
Assistance in International and Transport Law
Criminal Law and Loss Adjusting
DISCOVER MOREAssistance in Civil and Commercial Law
The Gioffredi Law Firm, based in the heart of Milan, was founded by lawyer Arturo Gioffredi in 1991 and has been characterised since the beginning as an independent and multidisciplinary firm.
For more than thirty years the Law Firm has been assisting individuals and companies located in Italy and abroad in the various areas of civil law.
Practice Areas
Choose the right partner for your important matters. Our law firm is highly qualified in:

Assistance in buying and selling real estate

Medical malpractice liability

Transport law & insurance

Establishment and closure of companies

Digital Law

Labour Law

Inheritance law

Insurance Law
The Law Firm
The firm was founded in 1991 when, after an initial training with the Attorney Giovanni Baldini, a talented civilist, and an intense experience in the international Bergmann-Scamoni firm, Arturo Gioffredi settled in his current firm in Viale Monte Nero 50 in Milan. The activity of the firm was immediately influenced by the assiduous relationship between the professional, who headed it, and the city di Berlino. Infatti, sin dal 1986, l’avv. Arturo Gioffredi, cresciuto bilingue, prende a frequentare il consolato italiano a Berlino ovest e l’ambasciata a Berlino est, diventando presto il legale di fiducia del consolato, tanto da curare per un lungo periodo il servizio di assistenza legale agli immigrati in Germania.
of Berlin. Indeed, since 1986, Arturo Gioffredi, a lawyer who had grown up bilingual, began to attend the Italian consulate in West Berlin and the embassy in East Berlin, soon becoming the consulate's trusted lawyer, so much so that he took care of the legal assistance service for immigrants in Germany for a long time.